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Code of conduct for Teachers

  1. Teachers must treat all students with respect and fairness.
  2. Teachers must maintain the confidentiality of student records and information.
  3. Teachers should be prepared and organized for all classes and meetings.
  4. Teachers must communicate clear expectations and course requirements to students.
  5. Teachers must foster a positive and inclusive learning environment.
  6. Teachers must be accessible to students and available for office hours or additional help as needed. Teachers must contribute to the college community through service and engagement.
  7. Teachers must respect the diverse backgrounds and experiences of students. Teachers should foster a culture of inclusivity and diversity.
  8. Teachers must use appropriate and respectful language in all interactions.
  9. Teachers must maintain a model professional behavior and ethical conduct.
  10. Teachers are expected to maintain current knowledge in one's field of expertise.
  11. Teachers must foster a collaborative and supportive relationship with colleagues.
  12. Teachers should maintain the integrity of the academic enterprise.
  13. Teachers should respect the intellectual property of others.
  14. Teachers must foster an environment of mutual respect and team work.